
Free Homeschool Planner Printable To Organize Your Home school routine Efficiently.

Hello, Homeschoolers, your days are a crazy mix of teaching math, running after little ones, and trying to squeeze in some “me time” (ha!) right?.

Balancing homeschooling with everything else life throws at you? It’s no joke.

That’s why I’m here to spill the tea on something that changed my homeschooling game: a free homeschool planner that actually helps you organize your homeschool routine efficiently with printable planners, curriculum, and printables.

Why You Need a Homeschool Planner (Like Yesterday!)

Let me start by saying, I used to be the kind of person who thought, “Pfft, I don’t need a planner, I can keep everything in my head.”

Well, pretty sure we all know how that went.

I was wrong. So, so wrong. After about a week of missing assignments, forgotten activities, and a kitchen that looked like a tornado hit it, I caved and decided to give planning a try.

And guess what? It was a total game-changer.

Here’s the deal: homeschooling isn’t just about teaching your kids; it’s about managing an entire household while doing it.

You’ve got to keep track of lessons, manage extracurricular activities, plan meals, and maybe even squeeze in some self-care (fingers crossed).

That’s where a good homeschool planner comes in really handy.

The Secret Sauce of a Good Homeschool Planner

Now, not all planners are created equal. I’ve tried my fair share, and let me tell you, some of them are just meh. But a homeschool planner that really works?

It’s got to hit these sweet spots:

  1. Flexibility: Because let’s be real, life happens. Sometimes your perfect plan gets derailed by a sick kid or a sudden grocery run. Your planner should be able to roll with the punches.
  2. Customization: Every homeschool family is different, and so is every homeschool day. You need a planner that lets you tweak and tailor your schedule to fit your unique needs.
  3. Comprehensive: A great planner isn’t just about lesson plans. It should cover everything from daily tasks to meal planning, because your homeschool life is about more than just schooling.
  4. Ease of Use: Look, I don’t have time to spend hours just planning my day. The whole point is to save time, so the planner should be user-friendly and straightforward.

printable homeschool curriculum planner

Meet Your New Best Friend: The Free Printable Homeschool Planner

Okay, so now that I’ve hyped up the importance of a good planner, let me introduce you to the one that I swear by. It’s free, it’s fabulous, and it’s about to become your new homeschooling BFF. 🎉

This printable homeschool planner has everything you need to get your homeschool routine in order without losing your mind. Here’s what you can expect:

  • Daily, Weekly, and Monthly Pages: Whether you’re a day-by-day kind of person or you like to plan out the whole month in one go, this planner has you covered. It’s got planning pages section for daily lesson plans, weekly overviews, and monthly goals.
  • Subject Trackers: Keeping track of which subjects you’ve covered can get confusing, especially when your kids are at different levels. The subject tracker lets you easily see what’s been done and what’s still on the to-do list.
  • Attendance Logs: If you need to keep track of attendance for your state’s homeschooling requirements, you’ll love the attendance logs. No more scrambling to remember which days you planned and taught what.
  • To do list : Let’s not forget about the never-ending to do list.
  • Lesson Planner , calendar pages , reading log, attendance tracker,

free homeschooling planner

How I Use My Homeschool Planner to Stay Sane

Now, let’s get personal. How do I actually use this planner in my day-to-day life? Here’s a peek into my process.

1. Sunday Planning Sessions
Every Sunday evening, I sit down with my homeschool planner and map out the week ahead. I look at what lessons need to be covered, the lesson planner makes this easy for me, any extracurricular activities we have, and what meals I want to prep. I don’t spend more than an hour on this, it’s quick, efficient, and sets the tone for the week.

2. Daily Check-Ins
Each morning, I take a few minutes to review the day’s plan. If something unexpected has come up (which, let’s be real, it usually does) in my plan, I tweak the schedule accordingly. This way, I’m not caught off guard, and I can adjust on the fly.

3. Involving the Kids
One of the best parts of this planner? It’s not just for me.

I actually involve my kids in the planning process. They help plan and pick out meals, choose their chore chart tasks, and even suggest fun activities for the week. It gets them excited and gives them some ownership over their day by planning.

4. End-of-Week Review
At the end of each week, I sit down with my planner and review how things went. What worked?

What didn’t?

Did we stick to the plan, or did we need to make adjustments?

This helps me improve our routine week by week, so things keep getting better.

Download Your Free Home School Planner

Pop in your email address below so I can send your planner straight to your email.

Please note that this printable is for PERSONAL USE only. Full licence terms of use here.

Tips for Making the Most of Your Printable Homeschool Lesson Planner

Alright, so you’ve got your free homeschool planner, now what? Here are a few tips to help you plan and make the most of it.

  • Start Simple: Don’t overwhelm yourself by trying to plan every little detail. Start with the basics—lessons, meals, and chores and gradually add more as you get comfortable.
  • Be Consistent: The key to any good routine is consistency and plan. Try to use your planner daily, even if it’s just a quick check-in.
  • Get Creative: Use the planner in a way that works best for you. Not a fan of the weekly layout? Switch it up! Need more space for notes? Add extra pages. It’s all about planning and making it work for your unique homeschool style.
  • Celebrate Wins: Don’t forget to celebrate the little victories. Did you finish a particularly tough lesson? Give yourself a pat on the back it’s all progress!

Free homeschool planner pages

Get Your Free Homeschool Planner Now!

So, if you’re looking to take your homeschooling game from frazzled to fabulous, this free homeschool planner is your new best friend.

With the right printable homeschool planner or even a digital planner, you’ll be amazed at how smoothly your days can run.

Whether you need lesson planning pages for each subject, this comprehensive tool is the backbone of your homeschooling success.

The beauty of these planners is they’re packed with planning pages, calendars, assignment sheets to field trip planners, unit study planner pages to reading logs and chore charts, every single planning page in these printable homeschool planners is designed to make your life easier

Using these free homeschooling printables and homeschool planning templates will bring a whole new level of efficiency to your day-to-day routine.

Want more free printables ? check out the website.

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