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Free Weekly Cleaning Checklist For Every Part Of our Home [Printable Included]

Cleaning can be a bit of a hassle, right? That’s why I can’t live without a solid cleaning checklist, especially a printable one.

It helps me transform a messy home into a sparkling place in no time.

How often do you find yourself fumbling through cleaning supplies, not quite sure where to start tidying up?

It happens to the best of us.

But this checklist is like your personal guide to keeping every part of your home clean without the stress.

Staying organized and focused has never been easier.

Whether you’re tackling the bathroom or sprucing up the living room, this checklist is your new best friend, guiding you and keeping you accountable.

Printable Cleaning Checklist

Benefits of Using a Cleaning Checklist

Why should you bother with a cleaning checklist? A checklist is a well-structured cleaning routine that leaves your home sparkling and gives you that feeling of accomplishment.

Here’s how a checklist works its magic:

  • Increased Productivity: With everything laid out in black and white, you’ll know exactly what needs to be done. No more wandering aimlessly from room to room!
  • Reduced Overwhelm: Ever walk into a messy room and feel like you just can’t even? A checklist breaks the tasks down, so you’re not staring down a mountain of clutter.
  • Structure in Cleaning Tasks: It’s like having a game plan. You tackle chores systematically, which means less time questioning what to do next and more time for a coffee break.

I mean, seriously, who doesn’t love crossing things off a list? It’s like a little victory dance for your brain every time you do it!

Why It Works for ADHD Cleaning

So, let’s chat about why cleaning checklists are like a superpower for folks with ADHD.

For starters, focus is the name of the game.

If you’re like me and have about 50 tabs open in your brain all the time, having a tangible list can be grounding.

It’s a simple trick that makes a huge difference. So go ahead, grab that printable cleaning checklist and get ready to sparkle and shine, one step at a time!

How to Use the Cleaning Checklist Effectively

Here’s how you can get the most out of it:

Daily, Weekly, and Monthly Tasks

You know how I like to think of cleaning? Like keeping a plant alive.

It needs a little attention every day, a bit more every week, and some TLC every month. Chunking your tasks into daily, weekly, and monthly categories can work wonders:

  • Daily Tasks: These are your quick hitters—like watering your plant every day. Think of things like washing dishes, wiping down counters, and tidying up clutter. Keep your daily list light, just enough to keep you from drowning in dust.
  • Weekly Tasks: This is where you go in for a little more elbow grease. Vacuuming, dusting, and changing bed linens fit neatly here. It’s like giving your plant some extra fertilizer weekly to keep it thriving.
  • Monthly Tasks: Here’s when you tackle the bigger jobs. Cleaning the oven or deep-cleaning the fridge might be monthly challenges. It’s like repotting your plant to give it new room to grow. Doing these tasks monthly ensures nothing gets overwhelmingly filthy.

Setting Cleaning Goals

Kind of like when I decided to finally run that 5k. You start small, right?

If you aim to clean your entire house top-to-bottom in one go, you’re setting yourself up for a crash. So, let’s talk realistic goals:

  1. Start Small: Choose one or two rooms to focus on each cleaning session. It’s like running just a mile at first—totally doable.
  2. Set a Time Limit: Give yourself a deadline. I’ve found an hour or two works great; it’s just long enough to be productive without burning out.
  3. Reward Yourself: Plan a reward for sticking to your schedule. Maybe a nice bubble bath or some downtime with your favorite show after cleaning can be your way of celebrating sticking to your plan.

Remember, your cleaning checklist is here to make life easier, not to add stress!

Download The Free Printable Cleaning Checklist

What’s Included in the Checklist

Let’s break it down. This checklist covers:

  • Kitchen:
  • Bathroom: Scrub the tub, shine the sink, and tackle those tiles.
  • Living Room:
  • Bedrooms:
  • Home Office

I know, the list sounds like a lot, but trust me, tackling one room at a time is oddly satisfying.

How to Access the Free Printable

Pop in your email and ill send the checklist straight to your inbox.

Please note that this printable is for PERSONAL USE only. Full licence terms of use here.

Tips for Staying on Track with Your Cleaning

Here are some simple tips to keep your cleaning routine on track.

Creating a Cleaning Schedule

  • Start Small: Break down tasks into bite-sized pieces. Instead of “clean the house,” try “dust the living room” or “scrub the shower.”
  • Tailor It to Your Life: Have a busy Tuesday? Maybe schedule lighter tasks for that day.
  • Set Reminders: Use your phone’s alarms or calendar. It’s like a friendly nudge from future you saying, “Hey, don’t forget the vacuuming!”

I’ve found that when I set realistic weekly goals for my home, it feels less like a chore and more like a series of small victories.

Incorporating Rewards

We all love a little treat, right? Pairing a job well done with a reward can make those cleaning tasks feel like less of a burden and more of an opportunity for a little self-love.

  • Mini-Treats: After finishing a dreaded task, indulge in a quick snack, or take a relaxing five-minute break to scroll through Instagram.
  • Weekly Rewards: If you stick to your schedule all week, treat yourself to something special.

A while back, I started rewarding myself with a new book each month if I stuck to my cleaning routine. Not only did I get a tidier home, but my bookshelf never looked better!

A clean house and a happy heart – not a bad combo, right?

It’s all about keeping it simple and staying motivated!


This printable cleaning checklist is basically your new BFF for transforming your home into a clean haven.

Especially if living with ADHD means getting distracted by literally anything (seriously, did someone just say TikTok?), this checklist helps anchor your focus.

It gives you a clear path when you’re feeling all over the place.

Happy Cleaning.

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