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The Ultimate Free Birth Plan Template to Create Your Perfect Birth Plan! 🎉

Having a birth plan can totally empower you and make sure your partner, nurses, and doctors are all speaking the same language during childbirth preparation.

Birth plan templates are super handy and It’s your personal script for the birth show, starring you.

Now, while I’m not saying a birth plan will transform labor into a spa day (wouldn’t that be something?), it can definitely help you feel more in control and empowered during pregnancy, birthing preferences.

So, why not grab our free editable birth plan template that is ready for you to customize and set you and your baby up for a memorable (and hopefully stress-free) birth experience.

Want whale noises in the background? Or maybe you’d prefer a full silence policy? Check.

The Components of a Birth Plan

Creating a birth plan is writing a wishlist for your big day, a day when a tiny human makes their grand entrance.

It’s all about putting your thoughts, wants, and needs down on paper so the people helping you know exactly what’s on your mind.

Let’s break it down into the big three: Labor Preferences, Delivery Preferences, Postpartum Wishes, birth plan tools, birth preparedness questions, printable birth plan, and visual birth plan template.

Labor Preferences

What’s your game plan when labor kicks in? This visual birth plan template lists your birth plan specifics for when you’re in the hospital (or wherever you choose to have your little one), and you’ve got choices!

This template is editable and customizable. You can change it to your natural birth plan template or simple birth plan template, your birth center policies template, or your Birth plan preferences template.

These are a few things to think about:

  • Pain Management Choices: Epidural or no epidural, that is the question. Some might go for it, and others might want to try natural methods like breathing techniques or that thing called hypnobirthing. Basically, it’s your body, your rules. This handy birth plan template can help you communicate this for a supportive birthing experience.
  • Mobility Preferences: You know those scenes on TV where the mom is just stuck in bed during labor? Nah, you’ve got options! Maybe you want to walk, bounce on a birthing ball, or even take a soothing shower, include this and other additions to your birthing environment.
  • Support Person Involvement: Do you want your partner, mom, or bestie there? Make it clear who you want in the room and what role they play.

Delivery Preferences

Now, moving on to the main event—the delivery. If you’ve never thought about this before, don’t worry. Here’s what you might want to decide on:

  • Birthing center: Where do you plan to give birth? Consider the birth center policy as well.
  • Delivery Positions: Whether you’re all about that classic on-the-back style or you want to squat, stand, or use a birthing stool, yep, that’s a thing, this is where you lay it all out.

    You do you. Whether it’s squatting, sitting, or doing a yoga pose, it’s all about what feels right for you.
  • Use of Medical Interventions: Sometimes things don’t go as planned. You might want a C-section avoided unless absolutely necessary or maybe you’re okay with it.
    Perhaps you’d like an episiotomy only if it’s essential.
  • Post-Delivery Care: Once your little one arrives, what’s next? Some parents want immediate skin-to-skin contact (hello, baby snuggles), while others have specific preferences about cord clamping or whether the baby gets a bath right away.

Postpartum Wishes

And now, let’s talk about those first moments and days afterward, it’s like the encore after the main show:

  • Skin-to-Skin Contact: Many experts rave about this for bonding, just saying. When do you want to start it, and for how long?
  • Breastfeeding Intentions: Are you planning to breastfeed, formula feed, or mix it up? Make it clear so everyone’s aware and ready to support you.
  • Visitor Preferences: This one’s big. Do you want to throw open the doors to visitors or have a private, quiet time (like a club with a strict guest list)? Decide who can see you and when.

You got this!

By ironing these out, you’re setting the stage for a birth experience that’s as personal as it gets. Because this day is about you and that little nugget who’s about to change your world.


Pop in your email and ill send the birth plan template to you. Ive included the editable and downloadable pdf.

Tips for Customization

Now, let’s sprinkle a bit of your magic into this plan. Because it’s your birth, and the template is not the boss of you! Here are some tips to make it truly yours:

  • Add Specific Preferences: Like, do you want Enya playing in the background or are you more of a Metallica fan? Include your music preferences, lighting, or anything else that will make your experience more comfortable.
  • Consult with Your Healthcare Provider: Before you hit print, have a chat with your healthcare provider. They’ve seen a thing or two in their time and can offer valuable insights. Plus, they’ll help ensure your plan aligns with hospital policies and medical recommendations.
  • Consider Your Support System: Who’s gonna be there rooting for you? List out names and contacts of support people like partners, doulas, or even the friend who’s promised to bring snacks.

Remember, this is your show, and you’re the director.

You can edit, change, or completely overhaul your plan at any time.

The template is just the starting point, you get to fill in the color and character!


You’re all set to craft the birth plan of your dreams. Remember, this isn’t just some document, it’s your very own guide and playbook for the big day.

You get to call the shots, making sure it reflects what’s important to you.

And there you have it, mama! Whether you’re planning for a natural birth or considering different birthing options, having a solid birth plan in place can make all the difference.

With our Ultimate Free Birth Plan Template , you’ve got all the tools to outline your birth preferences, from labor and delivery specifics to those small details that make your birthing environment just right.

Remember, your birth plan is all about creating a supportive and personalized birthing experience, and this handy template helps ensure your team is on the same page.

So, sip that tea, review those birth center policies, and start jotting down your birthing preferences with confidence.

Whether you’re leaning towards a natural birth plan or need a simple birth plan template, this resource has got you covered.

Birth is a powerful journey, and having a detailed birth plan template or personalized birth plan can help you feel empowered and prepared as you step into this new chapter.

So go ahead, download that customizable birth plan template, and get ready for the incredible experience that awaits.

Take charge, make it yours, and have some fun with it! you’ve got this.

Happy birth planning! 🌸

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